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What is Normal 磨损 in California?:指南

Bob Preston - Monday, November 2, 2020

What is normal wear and tear in a rental property? 在上面的视频中, 布雷特普雷斯顿, Director of Property Operations, 讨论了在加利福尼亚州如何定义术语“正常磨损”,以及在为租户完成保证金处置时如何浏览此主题.

小贴士:首先观看上面的视频,直接听取物业十大赌博信誉网站专家对短语“正常磨损”的历史和含义的解释." After watching the video, 继续读下去,了解更多关于如何理解正常的磨损可以帮助你作为房东.

“正常的磨损”可能会引起争议,因为人们习惯生活在不同的环境中. 什么东西在一个人看来是完美的,在另一个人看来可能是肮脏的.

晶莹剔透 definition of “normal wear and tear” is important for landlords because of security deposits. 如果租客损坏了你的单位,保证金应该被扣留以支付费用. 

押金 disputes can be hostile and time-consuming. 这就是为什么最好清楚地描述什么是“正常磨损”,尤其是在租约中. Your tenants will appreciate that they’re being treated fairly, 他们的存款没有被不必要的扣减. 

Remember that this guide isn’t a legal document and, 作为房东, you should also familiarize yourself with California’s landlord-tenant laws

What Can Be Considered Normal 磨损?

An aging process affects all rental properties. Even if your tenants are careful and respectful, 您的出租财产将显示正常磨损的迹象,仅仅是由于人们走来走去, 使用电器, and living their lives. 房东必须修复这种正常的磨损 steps involved in getting your units ready for new tenants.


成为一个有效的、有利可图的房东的一部分就是减轻这种损耗. By providing regular inspections and upkeep of your rental unit, 小问题永远不会像滚雪球一样变成昂贵的维护问题. For example, a rusty old pipe could start to leak. 如果没有解决, this pipe could burst, and you would be on the hook for the ensuing flood financially, regardless of the lease agreement. 

你可以看到为什么很容易区分出租物业的典型老化过程和粗心大意或疏忽的租户造成的损坏, for their protection and that of their landlords. 

How to Assess 损害 and 磨损

区分“正常磨损”和租户损坏的最好方法之一就是使用 a checklist during the move-in inspection. This checklist should be comprehensive, checking all known wear and tear issues, such as paint cracking, 地毯褪色, or bathroom tile eroding. 

一个清晰的, 全面的清单将给房东一个轮廓,什么形状的出租单位在新租户搬进来之前. 一旦房东习惯使用正常的磨损清单, 它会变得像时钟一样精确,他们会知道该找什么. 

landlord must assess damage in rental unit

房东应该在所有房客入住检查期间拍照和录像. Some of the terms used to describe wear (“worn,”“褪色,” “clogged”) can vary in severity, making it tricky to be objective. Photos and videos will show the exact appearance of the unit, 并且可以在不幸的情况下是一个救星,保证金纠纷被房客告上法庭. 

房东的定期检查和与租客的良好沟通是掌握租赁物业维护和维修的重要方法. 在理想的世界里, “正常磨损”和租户不良行为造成的损害之间的区别是不言而喻的. In reality, the difference can be contentious. Here are some concrete examples of what to consider:

Examples of Normal 磨损 Vs 损害



磨损: Normal foot traffic may fade some of the color from a carpet. 区域可能会变薄,或者地毯可能会在角落周围剥落. 随着时间的推移,阳光和房客的鞋子或袜子的材料会自然地使地毯退化, but this can be combatted through regular carpet cleaning. 

tenant carpet condition and landlord rights

损害你的房客将会因为地毯上的溢出物或燃烧物而承担清洁地毯的责任. The same goes for stains or smells from the pets of a tenant, 虽然宠物押金可以用来支付这笔费用,而不是房客的保证金. It depends on your rental agreement with the tenant. 


磨损因为浴室是典型的高容量区域,容易受到洗澡时产生的热量和蒸汽的影响, they age more quickly than other areas. The tub area may become rusty or mildewy. Tiles will fade, sinks and drains may start flowing more slowly. 瓷砖和墙壁上的轻微划痕和磨损是正常磨损的一部分,租户不负责. 

损害: While tile surfaces will fade over time, 如果任何东西有碎片或破碎,它可以被归类为损坏,而不是正常的磨损. The same goes for gratuitous water damage, 包括地板上或角落里的大污点,因为水在那里反复汇集,而租户却没有把它擦干净.

Hardwood Floor Condition

磨损: Hardwood flooring has been growing increasingly popular lately. Unlike carpeting or tile, it looks good as it ages. Typical wear and tear on hardwood floors includes a worn finish, 衰落, and light scratches that can be sanded away. A landlord cannot charge their tenant for this. 

tenant hardwood floor condition for landlord reference

损害: Deep scratches in the hardwood count as tenant damages, as they’re usually caused by improper furniture moving. 水的破坏, large dings or chips, 或者永久污渍也是租户损害,当租户搬家时应该导致押金罚款.

Normal 磨损: The Bottom Line

无论您是自行十大赌博信誉网站物业还是聘请专业人士,部分 the process of property management 用谨慎和勤奋来维护单位是为了帮助它们保持价值吗. 作为业主, you can’t expect a property to take care of itself, 特别是如果你的房客是有小孩或宠物的家庭. 

Tenants have a role to play in unit upkeep as well. Making sure they’re aware of the importance of changing air filters 或者防止浴室里的水损坏是让它们帮助你的一种方式.

房客有责任尊重你的财产,不因疏忽或被禁止的活动而造成损害. 房东s are responsible for upkeep and maintenance, 以及在租户更换期间彻底检查您的物业. By knowing exactly what state your property is in, you’ll have a clear understanding of who caused what damage. 

To protect yourself from tenant damages and costly legal battles, 一定要创建详细的租约,明确列出谁对什么负责. When the tenant moves, 这也将帮助你的房客接受你对他们的保证金的扣除,以支付维修费用和清洁费, which can even be a month's rent or two. 当承租人的保证金条件在租赁协议中列出时,条款就清楚了. 

If you want help managing your property, North County Property Grouptop property management company in the 圣地亚哥 area. 请立即与我们联系,了解我们如何保护您的财产并使您的收入最大化. 

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