
6 Best Ways of Retaining a Tenant

Bob Preston - Thursday, April 14, 2022

A key aspect of improving your real estate ROI is finding and retaining high-quality tenants. 为什么? Because even though it’s a landlord’s market now, good tenants will always be relatively rare and, 因此, 备受追捧. 

Let's take a look at the exorbitant costs associated with finding a new tenant:

  • The cost of placing a new ad to find tenants
  • Paying commissions to brokers for setting up leases and contracts
  • Performing rent ready maintenance in anticipation of a new tenants move-in 
  • Your time and money associated with screening applications

It's no wonder why most landlords do everything reasonable to provide their tenants with a great living experience. To ensure your tenants stay for the long haul and renew the lease, we’ve put together a list of 6 tips that are easy to follow. 


A thorough tenant screening provides clues to the tenant’s long-term intentions, including their ability to make rental payments on time. You can learn much about a tenant by looking at their rental history. For example, reliable tenants are less likely to move often. This is because they have stable jobs that require them to stay in the same area, so they have more incentive to renew the lease. 

If the tenant screening reveals that they are not a good fit for your rental unit, it’s better to find a new renter. 

Ask Your Tenants About Their Experience

The easiest way to learn if you can improve your tenant’s living experience is to ask them to review their experience. You could do this by setting up an official meeting or send surveys that can be submitted anonymously. Tenants may be more comfortable voicing their honest opinions without worrying about repercussions.

Learning what your tenants think about your rental unit and what improvements they would like to see is important for improving your tenant retention rate. 

If your tenant insists on leaving, perform an exit interview with them to learn more. 问这样的问题:

  • 离职的原因
  • The type of rental unit they are moving to
  • What incentives could you offer so they would extend their stay?

Be on Friendly Terms with Your Tenants

Is it worse to be a nosy landlord or an unresponsive landlord? 答案是两者都有. You should take your tenants’ calls and return their calls in a timely manner, 特别是在紧急情况下. 另一方面, if you’re the kind of landlord that intrudes on the tenant's privacy, they’ll move away just to get more privacy. 

It’s probably a good idea to send handwritten notes on special occasions to remind your tenants that they are appreciated. These cards don’t have to feature flashy graphics or extensively drawn out just a few words of gratitude are all it takes to improve your relations. 


分配更多的时间 维护预算 每个月. Whether this goes into general maintenance, 主要维修, 或者小的装修, your investment will make a difference. A key reason tenants move on from a rental unit is lack of maintenance, so try to stay on top of yours!

专业技巧: Don’t have time for property maintenance? Hire a property manager to handle the maintenance for you. These professionals are in the know when it comes to the best vendors and handymen in the area to handle maintenance - at a budget that doesn't break the bank. 

Offer Upgrades to the Rental Unit

At first glance, it may seem counterintuitive to 为房客提供升级服务 because it undercuts your profit. But offering upgrades not only improve your property’s value, but it also plays a big role in tenant retention. You can choose from a raft of updates such as adding new light fixtures, 重新粉刷墙壁, 或者添加新的瓷砖. 


It is good to be flexible with your approach to certain policies, such as minor renovations or having a pet. Some tenants are more than happy to pay a ‘pet rent’ 每个月 just so they can stay close with their companions. 


It’s not difficult or expensive to provide a great living experience to tenants. 在大多数情况下, you simply have to work on your communication skills and stay on top of your maintenance checklist. 

需要帮助? 与人合作 experienced property manager near you and create amazing experiences for your tenants. 


