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Consumer Attitudes on Housing

System - Thursday, October 11, 2012

结果 房利美(Fannie Mae)’s September 2012 National Housing Survey show Americans’ optimism about the recovery of the housing market 和 with regard to homeownership continued its gradual climb, bolstered by a series of mortgage rate decreases experienced throughout the summer. Consumer attitudes about the 经济 also improved substantially last month, breaking the progression of waning confidence seen during much of this year. Keeping a relatively steady pace with recent periods, survey respondents expect home prices to increase an average of 1.5% in the next year. 有人说 抵押贷款利率 will increase in the next 12 months dropped 7 percentage points to 33 percent. Nineteen percent of those surveyed say now is a good time to sell, marking the highest level since the survey began in June 2010. Tying the June 2012 level (和 the all-time high since the survey’s inception), 69 percent of respondents said they would buy if they were going to move.

With regard to the 经济 overall, 41 percent of consumers now believe the 经济 is on the right track, up from 33 percent last month, while 53 percent believe the 经济 is on the wrong track, compared with 60 percent the prior month. Both the right track 和 wrong track figures mark the highest 和 the lowest readings, 分别, since the survey began in June 2010.调查了Homeownership 和 Renting

  • Consumers’ average home price change expectation is 1.5%, consistent with recent periods 和 marking nearly a full year in which home price expectations have been positive.
  • Thirty-seven percent of those surveyed expect home prices to go up in the next year, the highest level since the survey’s inception in June 2010.
  • Thirty-three percent of respondents say 抵押贷款利率 will go up in the next year, a decrease of 7 percentage points since last month.
  • Nineteen percent of respondents say it is a good time to sell, the highest level since the survey’s inception.
  • Those who say now is a good time to buy dipped slightly to 72 percent.
  • The percentage of respondents who say they would buy if they were going to move increased to 69 percent, tying June 2012 at the highest level since the survey’s inception.

The 经济 和 Household Finances

  • Consumer optimism climbed in September, with 41 percent saying the 经济 is on the right track – the highest level recorded since the survey’s inception 和 an 8 percentage point increase over last month.
  • Forty-four percent of respondents expect their personal financial situation to improve over the next year, up from 42 percent in August.
  • The share of respondents who say their household income is significantly higher than it was 12 months ago decreased by 3 percentage points to 17 percent.
  • Thirty-four percent of those surveyed say their household expenses are significantly higher than they were 12 months ago, a 2 percentage point increase over August.

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