Property Management Blog

Is Property Management Worth It?

Bob Preston - Tuesday, November 16, 2021
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If you’re a new owner of a rental property, you may feel elated and excited to manage it, and with good reason! 从长远来看,租赁房产是提高你财务状况的好方法.

Wanting to self-manage your rental investment is understandable, but sooner or later, you’ll realize how time-consuming it can be. 房地产投资是有利可图的,因为你可以获得被动回报. 然而,十大赌博信誉网站你自己的出租物业可能会占用大量的时间. 有时候,它会让人觉得这不是一种被动的赚钱方式! 

You might think you’re saving on property management fees, but the amount of time you’re giving up is also considerable. For inexperienced landlords,如果没有专业监督的帮助,你的收益可能会更少! 然而,归根结底是每个人自己的优先事项和能力. There’s no wrong answer to any choice, 有些路线可能更适合你自己的情况! 

如果你不确定如何处理你的出租房产,不要担心! 北郡物业集团准备了一份指南,帮助您找到最适合您需求的十大赌博信誉网站形式.

Should You Hire a Property Manager?

Before embarking on your rental investment, study the responsibilities of a self-managing landlord. 拥有房产和打理出租房产是两回事. 你可能会很快发现一个有利可图的机会,拥有一个出租单位, 但之后你会发现,处理房东要求你完成的不同任务很有挑战性.

when to hire property manager


  1. 我是否愿意学习提高租金投资收益所需的技能?

  2. 我准备好投入大量的时间和金钱来确保我的房产可以出租了吗, 我是否需要监督单位的重大升级和改进?

  3. 在处理租户投诉和问题时,我能否保持专业,避免一时冲动? 

  4. 我是否有足够的供应商和专业承包商资源,我可以很容易地联系到他们 maintenance repairs? Do they deliver excellent results and offer discounts? 他们能在不牺牲工作质量的情况下迅速完成维修工作吗?

  5. 我是否有能力十大赌博信誉网站出租物业,而不会对我的事业或家庭造成重大影响?

  6. 出租物业是否位于附近,还是我十大赌博信誉网站的是州外的出租物业? 

  7. 当我需要处理租客问题和进行物业展示时,十大赌博信誉网站租金是否不切实际?

  8. Do I have plans to expand my real estate investment portfolio? Am I content with managing a single rental unit?

  9. 支付物业十大赌博信誉网站费会不会比牺牲我宝贵的时间更省钱? 

What Are the Responsibilities of a Property Management Company?

一开始,你可能不愿意支付十大赌博信誉网站费. 你可能很难放弃一小部分租金收入. However, good San Diego property management companies are worth investing in! 

why hire a property manager

他们可以指望最好地监督你的出租物业面临的问题. 这可以是任何事情,从租户冲突和财产维护问题到填补空缺. 记住,照顾好你的租赁空间意味着一年中的每一天都处于待机状态, no matter the time.


1. Marketing and Handling Tenants 

  • Gauging the fair market rental rate for optimal earnings 

  • 用行之有效的策略和资源宣传出租物业

  • Conducting property showings and dealing with tenant applications, conducting background and credit assessments, calling up references

  • Collecting security deposits and performing move-in inspections 

  • 寻找有效的解决租户投诉和解决租户冲突的方法,以帮助留住租户

2. Overseeing Property Maintenance 

  • Doing regular property inspections, viewing both the interior and exterior conditions

  • 在不同的时间进行车辆检查,以确保一切工作正常,租赁协议得到妥善遵守

  • 以优惠的价格与供应商和承包商合作 

3. Performing Finance and Accounting Services

  • Collecting the rent on time every month

  • 处理包括承包商的工作、公用事业、物业贷款和税收在内的付款

  • 为客户提供最新的月度和年度财务报告

  • Depositing the net income into the property owner’s account

  • Recommending valuable property upgrades

  • 降低总成本,同时增加收入和总财产价值

Why Hire North County Property Group 

像北郡物业集团这样的专业物业经理在当地房地产市场上分享他们丰富的知识. 事实上,我们从事租赁十大赌博信誉网站业务已有20多年了! 

我们是一家高端、全方位服务的物业十大赌博信誉网站公司,总部位于圣地亚哥. We can maximize the value of your investments, whether you own single-family properties, multi-family properties, or vacation rentals. 

managing your san diego rental property

For six years in a row, 北县物业集团被《十大信誉网赌网站》评为顶级物业经理. This is an honor based on being a trusted property manager, the number of units managed, and the total value of properties managed. Your property is in good hands when you trust us to manage it! In fact, 我们甚至是圣地亚哥唯一一家被授予认证住宅十大赌博信誉网站公司(CRMC®)称号的物业十大赌博信誉网站公司!

Ultimately, we’ll handle all of the above services and more. 您的财务成功是我们的首要任务,我们真正关心客户的愿望. 作为您的租赁物业合作伙伴,我们致力于将这些目标变为现实. We’re a transparent, family-owned business, and nothing makes us happier than seeing our clients succeed! 

Bottom Line

如果聘请一家优秀的物业十大赌博信誉网站公司是最适合你的,那么请联系 North County Property Group today! Call us at (858) 792 5797. 我们提供全面的物业十大赌博信誉网站服务,价格透明. 我们很乐意与您交谈,并决定如何为您提供最好的服务!

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