
Why You Should Invest in Real Estate over the Stock Market

鲍勃·普雷斯顿- 2022年3月16日星期三

Investments come with different outcomes and levels of commitment, and choosing the best option can help you grow your income and create financial security. 但你应该选择哪一种投资方式呢?  

Among the many investment options available are stocks and real estate investments. 作为最受欢迎的投资方式, people often go back and forth on which of these may be better suited for their needs. 帮助你做出选择, 北县地产集团 will give you 6 reasons why you should invest in real estate over stocks!

1. Real Estate Investments Have High Potential for Steady Cash Flow 

如果十大赌博信誉网站得当, buying an income-generating rental property will ensure you receive a consistent income for many years to come. They don’t have to be limited to residential properties, either. Other than rental homes, other cash-generating real estate investments include 商业建筑 比如商业街. 

Not all real estate investments are quick to turn a profit, 然而. 购买土地, 例如, will mean spending money every month you hold it until you sell it to a developer or build on it yourself. 

另一方面, stock investments don’t have the same potential for cash flow as rental investments. That’s because they are long-term investments that only generate cash once they are sold. 虽然你可以按月获得股息, 季度, 或按年计算, the amount would still be incomparable to the monthly income you’d get by renting out a property. 

2. The Tasks of Managing a Real Estate Investment Can Be Outsourced 

不可否认,十大赌博信誉网站房地产投资 这不是一件容易的事. 除此之外, 你需要填补空缺, 收取租金, 维护物业, 以及纳税, 公用事业公司, 和保险. 


值得庆幸的是, you’re able to outsource such tasks to a professional like an experienced property management company. 招聘 优秀的物业经理 will ultimately make you earn more from your investment than if you managed it on your own. This is attributed to the high success rate of filling vacancies and the execution of optimal management strategies. 北县地产集团 is the top property management company in 圣地亚哥 and can help with all of these aspects! 

While you can pay fees to a mutual fund manager to manage your stock investments, 物业十大赌博信誉网站费通常相对较低. They are quickly overshadowed by the profits you’ll generate from a well-managed rental property. 

3. 股票可能非常不稳定 

One of the benefits of investing in real estate is that it acts as protection against inflation. This means that you’ll avoid a loss in the purchasing power of the dollar. When you pick a good neighborhood for your investment, the appreciation rate of your property will surpass inflation. 

The price of stocks, on the other hand, isn’t always as steady as that of a real estate investment. On top of losing the purchasing power of the dollar should your investment not take off, 极端的波动 在短期内很常见吗. 你50美元的股票可以迅速涨到20美元或100美元. This can be a very nerve-wracking process for investors, 而且这会让你的财务规划变得更加困难. 

4. 房地产价值通常会随着时间的推移而升值 

正如我们提到的, if you invest in a real estate investment for long enough, 很有可能它会升值. 当然,事情会发生,价值可能会下降. 以2008年的房地产泡沫为例. 然而, these occurrences aren’t common, and it’s usually just a temporary decrease in value. 


一般来说, 土地和建筑物会增值, making the investment worth more than what you paid for it. In addition, you can also make your investment appreciate in value by making the right improvements. 

5. Investing in Real Estate Can Make You Eligible for Tax Deductions 

When it comes to paying your taxes, deductions can be few and far between. 然而, the deductions that are available to you in most cases are for 抵押贷款利率 and property taxes! 

当你拥有 出租物业, the IRS allows you to make quite a few deductions. Any expenses you incur running the property can be written off on your taxes. 你可以扣除财产税, 物业十大赌博信誉网站费, 抵押贷款利率, and costs of maintaining and repairing the property. 

然而,购买股票并不会减少你的税单. 股票 only become deductible when they are associated with retirement account contributions or charitable donations. 

6. 你可以推迟房地产资本利得税 

Typically, selling stocks results in capital gains taxes. 房地产, 然而, you may be able to defer taxes on capital gains if you purchase a “like-kind” property after the sale. 

The process of swapping one investment property for another for the purposes of deferring tax is known as 1031交换. Examples of properties that can qualify for a 1031交换 include:

  • 把荒地换成公寓大楼

  • 用牧场换石油和天然气的特许权使用费

  • Exchanging a real property for an industrial, commercial, or residential rental property


股票, 债券, 信任的证书, 库存, or trade stocks are assets that don’t normally qualify for a 1031交换. 


Real estate investments and stocks both have their share of risks and rewards. 然而, 如果你的目标是最大化回报, 降低风险, 分散你的投资组合, 投资房地产是理想的选择. 

While real estate investments do require investment in time and effort, 雇佣专业人士总是一个选择. 北县地产集团 has the resources and experience necessary to guide you toward making smart investment choices. We can help you purchase, sell, or manage your 圣地亚哥 investment property. 今天就十大赌博信誉网站,了解更多信息!


