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Should You Rent or Sell Your 圣地亚哥 Home?

System - Wednesday, August 11, 2021

生活发生了, 有一天,你现在拥有的房子可能不再适合你的需要,你决定最好搬到一个新的住所. 

例如, 随着家庭的增长,你可能需要找一个更大的地方, or you may need to downsize as your children move out. 也, there is always that chance of being relocated due to work. 

但, regardless of the reason for moving, 最大的问题仍然存在:你应该出租还是出售你的旧房子? To make the right decision, 这里是你需要知道的关于你圣地亚哥房子的这两种选择的一切. 

Renting Out Your Home

Renting out your home means you could make passive income, 你也许可以用这些租金支票来偿还你的抵押贷款. 基本上,你可以通过潜在的租金收入来增加房屋的净值. 

Besides earning passive income, 出租你的房子也可以满足你多样化投资组合的愿望. 在大多数情况下, your 圣地亚哥 property will increase in value over time, given the current market trends. 也, 如果你认为有一天你可能会想回到你的家作为你的永久居住地, 在此期间持有房产并获得现金流是一个很好的方法!

What Costs Are Associated with Renting Out a Home? 

一些对租赁业务不熟悉的业主可能会认为他们会保留100%的租金收入. 然而,出租房屋确实需要支付相当一部分费用. 

renting house expenses


  • 抵押贷款. Are you servicing a mortgage on your home? If you are, this is an expense you should consider. 如果你的首付款少于房屋价值的20%,你可能还需要支付按揭保险费 

  • 房产税. Generally speaking, expect to pay around 1.1 to 1.2%的财产税,根据你在圣地亚哥的房子的价值和周围环境 

  • 会员费. Does your home belong to an association? 如果是这样,那么你可能需要支付房主协会费

  • 房东保险. 这有助于在某些情况下为房东提供保险,比如房客的损失

  • 维护. 每次租户更换后,你需要对你的房产做一些修补. 例如,重新粉刷墙壁,请专业人士清洗地毯

  • Repairs and Replacements. 你可能需要做一些维修和更换每隔一段时间. 这些可能包括屋顶、地毯、墙壁、门、窗户和主要电器

  • 出租广告. 这也是房客离开后你必须处理的另一笔费用

How Much ROI Should You Expect to Get? 

To get a fairly accurate estimate of how much profit you can make, check neighborhood postings. 你可以通过上网或与有信誉的人交谈来做到这一点 圣地亚哥 property management company like North County Property Group.



要想盈利,你的租金收入必须超过运营投资的费用. 幸运的是,有些费用是免税的,这可以帮助你大大降低你的开支. 

How Do You Calculate Rental Profitability? 

如果你刚刚起步,雇佣专业人士可能对你最有利. 北县物业集团可以帮助您了解长期盈利能力, often referred to as Return-on-Investment (ROI), of your rental by assessing a myriad of factors. 

ROI factors include rent price and property expenses, as well as maintenance costs, property management fees, 和职位空缺. They will also factor in how long you intend to own the property. 

Which Should You Consider: Renting vs Selling? 


1. 销售价格

Are you satisfied with your 圣地亚哥 home’s current value? 如果是这样,那太好了! 如果你不寻找潜在的投资机会,你可以满足于卖掉你的房子. 

然而, if you aren’t happy with your home’s current value, 那么在你等待房价上涨的时候,出租圣地亚哥的房产可能是一个正确的决定. You may also want to avoid selling if property values are appreciating rapidly in your area

rising house value

Sadly, this tactic doesn’t always work. If you wait too long to sell, sometimes it can backfire on you. 你看到, once you rent out your home for a certain number of years, you can no longer claim it as your primary residence. 但 what does that mean? 如果你卖掉你的房产,你将被要求缴纳资本利得税. 

资本利得税从零到20%不等, depending on which tax bracket you belong to. Keep in mind that if this is your primary residence, you may qualify to exclude up to $250,000 of that gain from your income, 或者最高500美元,000 of that gain if you file a joint return with your spouse. 当然, 北县物业集团总是建议与您的税务顾问检查时,作出这样的决定!

2. Tax on Rental Income

While we already touched on rental income taxes, there are some misconceptions on how exactly they work. 

你的租金收入就像股票股息或工作工资一样需要纳税. 幸运的是,你可能会注销许多与出租房屋相关的费用. Suppose your gross rental income and property expenses are, 例如, $40,000元及30元,000 – respectively. 

In such a case, your assessed tax will only amount to $10,000. Besides deducting cash expenses, 你也可以申请财产折旧扣除. 

3. 租金费用

希望你的房子大部分时间都是租来的. That’s because vacancies can be costly. Besides losing out on the rental income, 你仍然需要支付一些租金费用,就像我们上面提到的那样.


也, despite your best efforts to screen potential tenants, you may find yourself dealing with a difficult tenant. This carries a whole new set of expenses. 租客最终可能造成过度的财产损失,甚至拒绝支付租金. In such cases, evicting the tenant may be the only solution left. 也就是说,驱逐房客可能是一件既昂贵又耗时的事情. 

4. Time & 压力

Being a landlord isn’t for everyone. 这是 a big responsibility, and it can be emotionally draining and time-consuming. 事实上, 出于同样的原因,精明的业主会向北县物业集团(North County property Group)等物业十大赌博信誉网站公司寻求帮助. 我们可以帮您减轻十大赌博信誉网站出租物业的负担.

5. 承租人的权利 & 责任 

你还需要熟悉加州的房东-租客法. These law helps to govern the landlord-tenant relationship, 从你可以增加多少租金到你什么时候必须归还保证金. 

很难理解法律的所有细微差别,也很难及时了解与之相关的任何变化. 北县物业集团精通房东-租客法的所有细节. By hiring us, you’ll avoid unintentional legal complications.


这就是你需要知道的关于租房或卖房的一切. If you choose to rent out your 圣地亚哥 home, North County Property Group 可以帮助! 

我们是一家专业的物业十大赌博信誉网站公司,为圣地亚哥及周边地区提供服务. Whatever your needs may be, 我们可靠的十大赌博信誉网站和卓越的成功记录一定会为您提供保障. 联系 us today to learn more about our services! 



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