
Do You Need a 全部替换 or 只是维护 of Your Rental Property Roof?

鲍勃·普雷斯顿- 2021年3月9日星期二

作为房东, your tenants may experience roof issues that require you to decide whether to replace the entire roof or make minor repairs. 

Both options have their pros and cons depending on the severity, 一年中的时间, 以及你家的位置, as 有弹性的屋顶 解释了.

Knowing which option is best for you can save you money down the road and mitigate the inconvenience for your tenants that roof construction can bring. 

A full roof replacement is the best option when a roofing contractor knows that the roof is at the end of its life or that there are too many areas of concern if you maintain the roof in its current condition. 

一个完整的屋顶更换可能会更昂贵, 但如果操作得当, it can last 20-25 years and typically come with a warranty that should offer you peace of mind. 

Performing maintenance or “partial replacement” can be cheaper upfront but usually will not come with a warranty. Nor will it guarantee your roof will not have issues in other areas shortly after you have performed that maintenance. 

If you are unsure of the severity of your rental property's condition, we have outlined a few issues and whether you should go with a full roof replacement or just maintenance. 

Signs Your Rental Property Needs Either a Full Roof Replacement or 只是维护 

1. 天花板漏

Tenants will typically contact their landlords or property management company immediately 如果他们发现天花板漏水. A contractor will need to inspect the inside of the 首页 where the ceiling is leaking from. 

A contractor will also need to inspect the attic space (if there is one) and on top of the roof. Having access to an attic can be essential because it makes it easier to identify where the water is pooling, 也可能是来源. 



当需要完全更换时, it's because the leak is traveling from the top of the roof down the rafters, 滴在阁楼的隔热层上, 然后穿过石膏板墙. 

Small leaks can take up to 18 months for the water to travel from its source. By the time you notice the leak, there is likely already damage to the plywood underneath. After just one rainy season, the wood could already be rotted and need replacing. 


If your contractor identifies a leak close to the 首页’s perimeter, it can cause slight damage to a larger area of the roof. 这是因为水没有传播那么远, affecting less of the plywood that sits under your shingles or tile. 

在这种情况下, you may only need minor maintenance on your roof instead of a complete roof replacement. 

2. 冰壶带状疱疹

Curling happens over time when there are shifts in extreme weather. When the weather is warm, shingles become more malleable and become easier to bend back. When the weather cools, shingles dry out and can crack. 


Depending on the severity of curling in your shingles, it may be unlikely to repair them by simply using an iron or blow dryer. Instead, you’ll need to replace, at a minimum, the entire side of the roof. 


If your rental property is in a location that's prone to experiencing extreme weather, you may want to consider inspecting and maintaining these minor issues while they are still small and inexpensive. 


每年都这样做, you can extend the life of your roof without having to pay for more extensive repairs. 

3. 颗粒失踪

Granules are significant because they are the crucial element to water runoff. 他们也扮演着巨大的角色 保护你的家不受阳光的伤害,帮助你的身体降温 首页. 同时, 它们是耐火的! 


如果你租的房子靠近海滩, you may notice the side facing the ocean will experience more granule loss than the side facing away from it. That is due to the high winds moving from the large body of water to land, separating the granules and shingles in the process. 

That's why if your rental property is near the coast, you may only need to get a total replacement on the side that is facing the ocean. 


If there are only a few patches of shingles that have granule loss, 您可能只需要替换这几个部分. Some reasons why more granules may be missing from some areas than others are: 

A section of the roof is under a tree or large bush什么时候离开?, 松果, and seeds gather in areas of your roof for an extended period it can cause water to pool, capturing moisture and deteriorating the materials underneath. By cleaning your roof of debris at least once a year, 你可以帮助维持带状疱疹中的颗粒. 


藻类: In the Northern Hemisphere, the north side of roofs will see less direct sunlight. That increases the chances of algae and mildew growth. If your rental property is prone to algae growth, be sure to clean the roof once a year. Doing so will maintain the granules for an extended period, preventing the need for an entire roof replacement before the standard 20-25 years that they typically last.


