Property Management Blog


Bob Preston - Friday, May 5, 2023
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在圣地亚哥出租度假屋既赚钱又忙. This is a popular town for visitors from all over the world, 与酒店相比,许多旅行者更喜欢私人和舒适的出租住宅. 

当你出租度假房产时,你的夜间租金通常会更高, 但如果你把房子租给短期客人,就会有很多工作要做. You have constant turnover, and that means frequent cleaning, maintenance, and preparation for new guests. It’s a hustle to keep your property occupied, and you may face long vacancy periods, especially during the off-season. 

As San Diego property managers, we frequently work with vacation rental property owners to convert their properties to long term rentals. There’s more stability and ultimately higher ROI when you effectively lease a long term rental home to residents. 


Fewer Fees and Permits with Long Term San Diego Rentals

长期租赁的繁文缛节较少,业主需要跨越的障碍也更少. 您的度假租赁要求您持有临时占用税证明. There are additional taxes to pay on all the income you receive, 你还需要获得短期租赁(STR)执照或许可证. 

当你是长期出租房产的房东或十大赌博信誉网站时(通常是12个月或更长时间), there are fewer taxes and fees, and a lot less regulation. 你正在为当地的住房社区做出贡献,因此你可以期待一个更容易的过程. 

Consistent Rental Income

无论是你自己曾经住过的房子,还是你专门为赚取收入而投资的房产, 长期租赁所带来的持续租金收入将有助于提高整体回报. You won’t be chasing every new booking, 而且你可以提前一年或更长的时间预算和计划,因为你会确切地知道每个月有多少钱. 

Rents for San Diego rental homes are high right now. 我们正享受着一个强劲的市场,人们对位于理想地段、维护良好的房屋有很高的需求. 我们的租客都很合格,而且愿意支付市场要求的更高价格. 无论你是出租一室公寓还是大型独户住宅, you’ll earn a comfortable rental income. 在你的整个租期内,每个月都会有. 

这种稳定性意味着当你需要进行昂贵的维修时,你有储备可以利用. 当你与长期居民建立良好的租客关系时, 你会放松,因为你有一个伴侣,他会按时付房租,帮你照顾房子. 这可不是短期租赁能给你带来的那种安心. 

Marketing Does Not Have to be Constant 

With a long term rental property in San Diego, you do not have to be marketing, selling, and advertising all the time. During periods of vacancy and turnovers, 你需要对如何推销你的房子以及你的目标客户类型有策略. 


除非一直有人住,否则你的度假出租房赚不到钱. 一个月或几个星期的空缺期会使你的收入锐减. There’s an ongoing need to sell your property to potential guests and lock in their reservations. 


一年的租约只需要每年认真营销一次. If you retain your tenants – even better. 在他们准备离开之前,你不用再推销你的房产了. 

Maintaining Your Investment Property

度假的短期房客与长期房客的关系不同. 他们不把它当作自己的家,所以他们不太关心它. 

当租客签订一年的租约时,他们就承诺要照顾房子. They’ll help you maintain it, they’ll report needed repairs right away, 在某些情况下,它们将在景观美化和预防性维护中发挥作用. 

度假者正在寻找一个远离家乡的家,但他们没有长期考虑. 他们来来去去,对你的财产的损耗会更高. 度假出租的房子更容易损坏. 

Forget the Furnishings

All vacation rentals need to be furnished. That’s a huge expense for owners. 你需要保养这些家具,确保床单超级干净舒适. 你需要提供床、桌子、厨房用具、烤面包机、咖啡机、Wi-Fi和有线电视. 

当椅子坏了或酒杯碎了,它们需要你花钱去更换. That’s a lot to keep up with. 

Long term tenants do not require furnished homes. 事实上,他们更喜欢带着自己的家具和电脑搬进来. You won’t be expected to provide towels and tea cups. 

San Diego Property Management: Our Role

Professional Property ManagerYou can manage the vacation rental property you own by yourself, if you’re willing to invest the time and resources. 通过中介或专业物业经理出租度假屋是个更好的主意, however, 特别是如果你不想十大赌博信誉网站清洁工和园林设计师以及每个客人之间的检查. 

It’s expensive. Short term vacation rentals are extremely labor intensive, 所以你要么自己做这些工作,要么花钱请物业经理来做. 

Long term property management relationships are different. 十大赌博信誉网站费用更少,你将有机会与你的 management company to ensure your rental home is performing as you expect. 你可以设定短期和长期目标,并讨论如何提高租金价值, tenant trends, and what the market is doing. It’s a relationship driven by shared values, 您可以利用物业经理的专业知识,获得更好、更有利可图的投资体验. 

Vacation rentals can be lucrative. But, 赚到一些真正的钱,并有一个稳定和有利可图的投资经验, consider converting to a long term rental. We can show you some real numbers and help with the transition. Please contact us at North County Property Group. 

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